kalo mau ngecheat pencet tombol ~ pada keyboard untuk menampilkan display console
Invincibility (5 minutes) painkiller
Maximum health and armor turtle
Give weapons and extra ammo toolup
Director mode jrtalent
Lower wanted level
Raise wanted level fugitive
Recharge ability instantly
Super jump hoptoit
Faster running catchme
Faster swim gotgills
Flaming bullets incendiary
Explosive bullets highex
Explosive melee attacks hothands
Slow-motion mode [Note 1] slowmo
Slow-motion aiming [Note 1] deadeye
Skyfall [Note 2] skyfall
Drunk mode liquor
Slippery cars snowday
Low gravity floater
Change weather makeitrain
Spawn BMX bikebandit
Spawn Buzzard attack helicopterbuzzoff
Spawn Caddy (golf cart) holein1
Spawn Comet comet
Spawn Duster (crop duster plane) flyspray
Spawn Limo vinewood
Spawn Parachute skydive
Spawn PCJ-600 rocket
Spawn Rapid GT rapidgt
Spawn Sanchez offroad
Spawn Stunt Plane barnstorm
Spawn Trashmaster trashedRead more: http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/grandtheftauto5cheatscodes.html#ixzz4OlCPRyPT
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